Friday, October 5, 2007

Remote Access

Telecommuting has grown steadily since the 1980's. when the idea came from in a response to the energy crises, transportation issues, and environmental concerns. Today those same issues, as well as working balance issues, drive workers to choose. telecommuting, even as a part time job. Some companies require a employee to only work one of the week.
Who shouldn't work from home?
Raffery says that anyone can work from home, and working from home is a great opportunity. It would show that your company trusts you, working at home and would be like sitting right next to your boss and doing your job. For the right people telecommuting is good for them. What field are suited for field in telecommuting.
Proceed with caution
working from home is not for everyone. For example, experts caution young people starting out on a job should not go straight to telecommuting because this is not exactly.This gives them an opportunity to look for a job at another location and work there way up to an telecommuter.
Happy at home?
When telecommuting does work for you, it can add balance to hectic lives.

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